Ozzyfrog’s and Caiphas’s Rants

August 10, 2008

Where’s our Water, Mr Dudd? (By Ozzyfrog)

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We like to think of our world as a logical place, full of mathematical explanations and scientists telling us how everything works. But in reality, the world contains so many mysteries. For instance, what is the car on Peter Gabriel’s first album? Why are Trams so slow? Why do multi-story car parks always smell of urine? Why can’t English teachers spell? Why is it that whenever three men get into a van the throttle jams open and the brakes fail? Why is Gordon Brown so grumpy? Why is the George Bush the President of the USA when he can hardly spell? Why does anyone fly on Indonesian Airlines when they know their maintenance engineers don’t know what an engine is? Do garbage men get bonuses if they knock off door mirrors? Why is Russia so big? Why are all telemarketers Indian?

Don’t bother trying to answer any of these, they have no answer. However, I have saved the biggest question of all to last. Why is Bounty still alive? In case you don’t know, Bounty’s are those chocolate coconut bars. I have never seen a single person ever by a bounty. Never. You hardly see them in supermarkets, and nobody chooses them over Mars Bars or Twix. In fact, the only time I’ve ever seen anyone have on is when they bought one by mistake. So how is it that they’re still around?

I’m afraid this question has no answer. It’s just another mystery in this confusing world. However, Australia is a relatively sane place, when compared to the rest of the world, and especially in America. For instance, why does anyone listen to George Bush? He simply got into presidency by cheating, and yet Americans continue to vote for him. Also, Americans are very clever people; they put the man on the moon and made the fastest plane on earth, and yet they cannot make a single good car. Why? Speaking about planes, President Sarkozy (leader of France) is thinking of buying himself and Airbus, after seeing Air Force 1 (George Bush’s plane). Wonder what he will call it. Maybe the “Sarkozy 1”, or the “BetterthanAirForce1 1”, or perhaps the “PutThisInYourPipeAndSmokeItMrBush 1”. Whatever he calls it, it should make America’s plane look dated.

Anyway, time to get to the point. Water. As you will know, we are in a drought and our water levels are low. We have 30% of our water capacity full, which is very low especially when summers on its way. And yet, the government is doing nothing. They are sitting around, concentrating on running the country badly, and just hoping the water levels will magically increase. Yes, I know they’ve given us water restrictions, so we are not allowed to wash our cars or water our gardens. Somehow, though, I don’t believe this will be enough to fix the problem. Why can’t they build a desalination plant? And i’m not talking about a piddly little thing that converts 2 litres an hour, we need something that can supply whole cities. Yes, they say it will take many years to build, but so did the Eastlink, and the Eureka Tower, and this stupid new tunnel that will cross half of Melbourne that they’ve proposed. Do they think it will be quicker to build it in the next few years? Whatever the reason, the Government is not doing anything, but this will have to change eventually. How low do you think the water levels will get to before they actually build something that gives us water? 20%? 10%? 2%? 0.000000006%? Place your bets everyone.

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